Borewell digging in high-rise apartment complex

Hello, I live in an apartment complex that has 9 high-rise towers (14 floors each) & has about 614 residential units, in Bangalore, South. We have been relying on external water supply vendor which is priced exorbitantly. (For toilet flush, we do have STP water supply).

We are looking to have our own borewell. In lieu of this, I have a few questions from a safety standpoint:

1. Typically, borewells are dug before the construction of the building. In our case, is it possible to do the digging now, after 4-5 years of construction since the builder didn't provide any provision for borewell?
2. What is the minimum distance to be maintained from the structure to avoid any damage or fatality in future?
3. How deep can we go digging considering the number of residents we have in the complex?
4. How many wells will we have to dig to cater to the needs of the residents?
5. What could be amount of money required for this ? (a ballpark number would help us in initiating the process)


Thanks, Abdul Wahid
