Borewell construction queries in Vellore, Tamilnadu

On 9.11.08 we made a bore well at my house site at Vellore (Tamil Nadu). When digging the bore well, water stream came at 50 feet and 100 feet.  No further water stream was found till 300 feet.  My questions are :

1. Whether the Yied of  1  1/4" is adequate for 2 families ?
2. What is the meaning of lowering of water table ?
3. I was told, there is no water stream in 100-300 feet depth.  Is there any scope for future water current  in 100-300 feet ?
4.  If water flowing at 300 feet fills up the borewell will it be removed by the dry area at 100 - 300 feet? 

S. Ramalingam
