Borewell air compressor related problem in Bangalore, Karnataka

Dear Sir,

We have an air compressor fitted into our aparment borewell which has peculiar problem.

This compressor has two borewells fitted to it, one is 350 ft in depth and another one is 500 ft in depth

Every day, we operate it continuously for 10-12 hrs to get the water of around 6000 Litres

Compressor capacity:

5  HP-motor
2  HP-compressor
A few observations made:


  • When you run the compressor first in the morning after 10 hrs of gap, for the first 30s water comes out with good pressure and good amount of water.
  • After the first 30 seconds the water rate slows down and continues with the same rate of water for another 10 hrs
  • The gap betwen each succesion of water coming out from pipe is around 1 sec and it happens continuosly for 10 hrs

 We tried to run the compressor by releasing the air to only one bore but we do not see the any improvement in quantity of water is coming out.


My question since we have 10 hrs of gap from previous run,the water collected in the bore in 10 hrs atleast would be 3000 litres.
The collected water of 300 Litres would be coming out in faster rate when we run the compressor.

Is there any way we can increase the flow of water using the compressor in lesser duration ?

For above defined capacity of the compressor, what should be the amount of water collected in 10 minutes?


