Need suggestions to address the issue of borewell suddenly drying up


We live in Hi tec city kondapur, Hyderabad. Ours is a thousand sq yrd five storeyed new apartment complex . We have two borewells dug two years back. One is 400 ft and the other one is 1300 ft deep. 400 ft borewell yields continuous water during rainy season. It yields water for one hour only during rest of the days daily only. Even now it is running for one hour everyday. 1300 ft borewell used to give continuous water until recently. Five days ago we got muddy water and then sandy water again clear water . After two days we got water only for one hour. Today we got water for only for 20 minutes. When the bore was dug the operator told us that we got water at 650 ft and then at 950 ft and fissures at 1100 ft. Pump was lowered upto 1150 ft. We are surprised why water is not coming. If the water table has gone why 400 ft bore is still yeilding water. Both the bores are 100 ft apart. Can any one guide me with a solution/ remedy . How to improve water yield from the 1300 ft bore.
