Unable to clear the collapsed borewell

Location: Warangal, Telangana

Depth - 200ft
10ft to 45ft- Soild Rock
45ft to 55f - Weak soil + Water
55ft to 200ft Rock
Casing - Till 60 ft - 8inch Dia (6mm PVC pipe )
60ft to 200 -> 6 inch Dia no casing

We drilled the borewell with above stats and after few months when we tried to install the submersible pump, it got stuck at 45 ft. Then we tried to clear the borewell with air compressor that didn't work and we used 4 inch rig with pipe. It cleared the blockage at 45ft and went till 75ft from there. We could see air coming from outside of the casing and the Operator told that casing got damaged around 45 feet and borewell is collapsing due to that. The major problem before this was that we drilled borewell 2ft away from the current point, unfortunately drilling bit dis-joined with pipe. I tried to in some other places in the same plot for borewell, couldn't succeed. ( I used both traditional and scientific methods to find the borewell spot). Now I am left with only available borewell option, I want to know the options to repair the problematic borewell. Thanks.
