Bore depth 290 feet, motor failed due to mud from 230 - 290 feet - Need help


We drilled borewell in 2008, 4"inch wide and 290 feet deep. The water level is at 100 feet. The submersible motor (CRI) is at 130 feet. It is working superb since the last 2 years.Then mud destroyed the pump suction motor and it was able to lifts water properly.

We got it repaired from the local market and it worked fine for sometime, but now mud destroyed pump suction again.

So after consulting many we decided to go for compressor to flush the borewell but this also failed. We were informed that the PVC pipes are either leaking or have broken down from somewhere.

We passed a rope into borewell, it did not go down beyond 230 feets. The pipes are filled with mud from 230 to 290 feet. We don't know the exact location of crack/leakage due to the lack of tchnology. We have been asked to keep the pump at 110-115 feet, but I doubt because it might be fail again due to mud.  Please let me know if there is an alternate so that I can get the water again.
