Black sand particles from borewell in Indore, MP - Need advice on resolving the issue

We recently (mid of July 2010) digged 6" borewell up to 455 ft in Indore location. Casing installed is 22 ft. According to the Boring Agent water stuck is 2".We are done with installation of 2HP 26 stage pump with 1.25" pipe. However even after 1 month usage we are continuously getting black sand like particles 10-15 in number in a bucket. We are also getting some patch of muddy water means 10-15 seconds of muddy water intermittently(although not so frequent). We have installed pump at depth of 420 ft. Before installation we measured borewell which was 437 ft(actual drilled depth was 455 according to pipes inserted by rig) and water level was at a depth of 55 ft.
Can any one please suggest how to resolve this? Is this going to create problem to submersible pump? Please suggest.
  • Borwell dug in July 2010
  • Location: Indore
  • Depth: 437 ft (actual drilled depth was 455 according to pipes inserted by rig)
  • Time of borewell: July 2010
  • Casing: Upto 22 ft
  • Water stuck is 2" thick
  • Pump in use: 2HP 26 stage pump with 1.25" pipe at depth of 420 ft

We now are witnessing black sand like particles 10-15 in number in a bucket of water.

We also get some patch of muddy water in 10-15 seconds intervals

Can any one please suggest how to resolve this? Is this going to create problem to submersible pump?
