Automatic data logging systems for rainfall and runoff measurement in Goa: Advice and contact details needed

We, Mineral Foundation of Goa are implementing a Watershed Development project in North and South Goa. Under this we undertake a number of activities aimed at increasing the recharge and decreasing surface runoff. I intend to undertake a scientific study of correlation between rainfall and runoff in this microwatershed.

I am looking for an automatic rain gauge and also a runoff monitor to be fitted on the main nallah in a microwatershed which I am implementing in Goa. Can some one let me know of a very economical automatic data logger for rainfall and runoff measurement. I plan to use it during the forthcoming rainy season.

Do pass on contact information of suitable vendors, share your experiences with related equipment.

Dr. Sachin Tendulkar
Sr. Program Manager
Mineral Foundation of Goa
