Are there any technical advantages of drilling borewell within an open well? Need felt in an apartment complex (600flats) in Bangalore, Karnataka

Ours is a residential apartment complex consisting of 600 apartments. Before this complex was built,the land was a coconut grove served by a large open well about 80 feet depth & about 45 feet dia. The builder after completion of the complex (10 years back) retained this open well as one of the water sources & drilled additional six bore wells to meet the total water requirement.The efficiency of borewells have reduced and the inflow to the well is also getting reduced.

We are planning to add one more new borewell, a little deeper. We would like to know whether this new borewell can be drilled within the open well? Will the open well water quantity get depleted by this drilling?

Your expert views on this will be highly appreciated. Do you have any office in Bangalore?
Kindly reply by e-mail: Please also inform your e-mail & other contact details.

C.V.Govinda Raju
