Appeal for grant to upgrade infrastructure in a charitable hospital in South 24-Parganas district, West Bengal

 Respected Sir

I beg to state that ‘Swasthya Unnayan For Nation (SUN), is a social welfare organization, working area at Vill+PO- Panchagram, Block- Diamond Harbour -1, Dist- South 24-Parganas. This organization works very remote and backward area of repute engaged in providing education and health care services, socio-economic development through various technical and vocational training of SHG Groups, women and children, Unemployed Youths and other.

Now, we have been able after our long effort, to set up a charitable hospital, primarily running outdoor, X-ray, ECG, and laboratory facilities, at village Panchagram. Anyone may donate us by cash/kind with the running program. Like - a) Any medical instrument, b) Medicine c) Spectacles d) 1 health camp expenses e) School Aids f) 1 teacher ‘s honoriam g) 1 Student’s Fellowship and others.

Every Sunday SUN organizes Free Health Checkup Camp at very remote areas in both urban and rural area. Along with these SUN are also working in the field of community health service with ‘RCH’ as a measure component . For our experiences and the need of the society, it is sorry to say that many poor and vulnerable patients do not afford their minimum operation expenses in present situation. They suppress their diseases with great pain for no alternatives. For this aspects SUN Members wants to develop a Community Delivery Centre. As a result, if people gate better treatment facility in their locality ,then the rush of the rural patient’s pressure will be gradually decreases of the city hospital.

So, we are appealing to you for sanctioning donation/ grant for the desired up gradation of Infrastructure Development for Charitable Hospital. We will be save our many poor ,valuable lives . Our health services will be improved and we will be grateful forever.

We would be highly grateful and ever obliged, if you kindly consider our case by doing the needful at the earliest. Our website –

Thanking you in anticipation,
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
