Algal overgrowth in overhead tank: Need a solution

I am facing a very unique problem with my over head drinking water tank. The problem is as follows:

Drinking water from the Municipal source is collected into a sump at the ground level. The Algae does not from or grow in the sump which is made of cement and bricks. Then it is pumpe to an over head Tank (polymer built)  but not black, it is white and is supposed to be a tank for use in the house. I am forced to get it cleaned very often and the quantity of Algae that is taken out is really surprising for a tank with a storage capacity of only 150 Lts.

Problem is that there is great amount of Algae being formed very frequently and the algae blocks or chokes the inbound line to the water purifer. I would be very grateful, if you will please suggest what can I do, to arrest the growth of Algae.

I look forward to your reply.

Anil Kumar SIngh
