Admission open for MA/MSc in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Tuljapur

About the programme: 

The Masters of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programme aims to train students for a career in WASH mostly dealing with planning, implementation and management aspects of community led WASH programme. The study of WASH, involves the larger study of the conditions that determine the availability, access and use of facilities pertaining to WASH. It also includes understanding the role and implications of social, cultural, environmental, technological and governance factors that determine the ultimate health conditions of people in a community.

This programme is designed to orient the students towards building a conceptual and practical understanding of current WASH related challenges. Accordingly, the course is intended to provide adequate social, technical and managerial skills required for strengthening the state of good WASH practices for the planning and implementation of national, district and Panchayat to community level WASH programmes.Graduates are expected to undertake meaningful research, policy planning and implement supporting the WASH programme guidelines. The WASH Degree is designed to be completed in two years (4 semesters). The programme includes taught courses, an internship engagement, on going field work practicals and exposures and a dissertation presentation.

The graduates of the WASH Programme are expected to be employed by various mission offices working at the national, state and district levels. There are also ample opportunities that are available in various national and grass-roots NGOs, bilateral organizations, donor organizations of national and international levels, CSR opportunities are coming up well along with other foundations like Tata Trust and others. Many of the students may try to be entrepreneurs or consultants after getting trained in this course.


  1. Programme require completion of Bachelor's Degree of minimum of 3 years duration or its equivalent (under the 10+2+3 or 10+2+4 or 10+2+2+1 year bridge course pattern of study or any other pattern fulfilling the mandatory requirements of 15 years formal education) from a recognised university, in any discipline.
  2. At the time of applying candidates studying in 3 year degree progremme should have passed in all the subjects for the 1st to 4th semesters and candidates studying in 4 year degree progrmmes should have passed in all the subjects for 1st to 6th semester.
  3. Only those Candidates who will be able to complete all the requirements of their final year Bachelor's Degree examinations by Saturday, June 02, 2018 are eligible to apply to all the programme.

Till the time the candidate submit results of the final year degree examination, admission to any of the Master's Degree Programmes of the Institute will be provisional. The results of the final examination have to be submitted before September 29, 2018. Those who fail to do so the provisional admission stands cancelled.

For more details visit the TISS website

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