Adaptive capacity building of slum women to deal with deteriorating availability & quality of water - Need examples of water management at community level

From Sakshi Saini, Institute of Home Economics, New Delhi

Posted 9 November 2009

I work with the Institute of Home Economics for a project on enhancing the adaptive capacity of women. Under this project, we are looking for various strategies that can enhance women’s capacities to handle the deteriorating water quality and quantity. We are especially interested in strategies that can be replicated in households in the slums of Delhi.

The focus is on increasing the adaptive capacity of women that will enable them to deal with reduced water availability and the deteriorating quality of water. For this to happen, sustainable and economically viable options which can be operated and maintained by the local community, are required.

In this context I would like members of the Water Community to share their experiences about:

  • Are there instances of water management interventions at the community level which have been successful? Please provide examples
  • Can these interventions be duplicated at the slum level?
  • What are the ways in which we can educate communities, especially children and women on the 3Rs - reduce, re-use and recycle?
  • Is there any published material/references discussing these points above? Please share details of the same

The information will help us in identifying a range of options for implementing similar activities in the slums of Delhi.

Please see attachment below for the responses.
