Acidic formulation for descaling hardwater stains/ precipitates and their method of usage

We are having the problems any household would face with the domestic appliances when hard water is only available for general usage. The washing machine motor's have been serviced about half-dozen times,all taps and sanitary fittings are stained with hardwater precipitates/salts,we have already spent 40% of water heater price in replacing the heating elements ,etc.  Surprising the market does NOT have any descaling formulation (which is supposed to be of acidic pH for descaling applications); the retail chemical stores suggest usage of HCl (Hydrochloric Acid) of unknown concentration, an alternative suggestion advocate usage of White Vinegar (but does not specify the concentration and method of usage).

Can any expert provide with a comprehensive solution of preparation of formulation (application specific concentration, measures,etc) and most efficient method of usage for descaling OR suggest of any formulation readily available from the domestic/INDIAN market ?
