Abnormal pattern of water consumption in an apartment in Bangalore, Karnataka - Need the possible reasons

I live in an apartment complex in Coxtown, Bangalore (Purva Park) composed of 3 blocks, with a total of 414 flats. Most of the flats are 2 bedroom, some are 3 bedroom, the average no of persons per flat could be taken as 3.5. We are finding a funny pattern in the water consumption:
Block   No. of occupied flats   Total per day water consumption (average, thousands of liters)

  • R        122                     92KL
  • T        106                     121KL
  • D        129                     94KL

As can be seen from the above, T block with the least no of occupied flats has the largest water consumption. The per flat daily water consumption is therefore as follows:

  • R - 754 KL
  • T - 1141 KL
  • D - 728 KL

As part of a water conservation drive, we are trying to understand the significantly larger per capita water consumption that T Block is seeing. Could the water practitioners on this list suggest possible reasons for this discrepancy ? It seems unlikely that residents of that block are consuming so much more than other blocks. Is it  possibly a leakage of some sort rather than water consumption by the apartment residents ?

Thank you,
Vijay Krishna 
