700 feet borewell and yield obervation

We drilled 700 feet borewell in our farm in last week of April 2021. We got small aquifer at 60 feet and 110 feet, and relatively bigger at 260 feet. Borewell driller said total yield is around 2 inch.

We installed submersible 7.5HP with 25 Head and 30lpm in first week of June and set it at 600 Feet with GI Pipes.

We have seen following observations:

With open ended pipe, we see water for ~30min if we start motor in interval of 6Hrs.
With open ended pipe, we see water for less 30min if we start motor in with interval less than 6Hrs.
If we keep motor running for point 1 and 2, we see no water for ~1min and then it come for ~15seconds [less than 2ltr].
So we thought it might be due water is getting leaked from 260 Feet aquifer and we are able to retrieve only water stored at this level and overall yield is quite less.

Meanwhile, we have very less rain so far

Recently, we used Rain Pipe to irrigate the land and to our surprise we see water running continuously and only difference we noticed is after 40-50min the water pressure is reduced to 3/4th but it wont stop till we stop motor. If we use any open ended pipe, it stops after certain time and follows the point 3 from observations.

Is this because Rain Pipes induces some pressure and that make less water coming out from pump and it keep-up with pace from aquifer yield so it runs continuously?

If this is the case, then which different techniques we can use in pipeline and to keep some water pressure in pipes?
