Need solution for the borewell water having stinking smell

Hello, I have constructed a new house in Annanur, Chennai. Water clogged during rains and the color of the borewell water changed & it smelled like sewerage water. Later we found that the plumber had not connected the outer 6" PVC pipe up to floor and hence, due to water seepage, contaminated water might have gone in the borewell. We rectified the problem by joining additional pipe upto the floor level and now the water color is clear but still there is stinking smell in the water. The borewell depth is 120 feet and pipe connection is upto 100 feet, almost 30 feet away from septic tank. The house 50 ft away from ours is not facing this problem, then why only my house facing this issue ? Please suggest a low cost and effective solution to this issue. Regards, G.Ganeshan