WSP-South Asia invites Short Term Consultants for SDA, Orissa, Bihar, MP, Karnataka & Meghalaya

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The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) is a multi-donor partnership administered by the World Bank to support poor people in obtaining affordable, safe and sustainable access to water and sanitation services.WSP has led or supported many of the advances made within the water and sanitation sector over the last three decades. They are able to share best practices across regions and place a strong focus on capacity-building by forming partnerships with academia, civil society organizations, donors, governments, media, private sector, and others. Their work helps to effect the regulatory and structural changes needed for broad water and sanitation sector reform.

Job Location: Orissa, Bihar, MP, Karnataka & Meghalaya

Assess the performance of 5 Indian States (Orissa, Bihar, MP, Karnataka & Meghalaya) in delivering  Water & Sanitation Services (WSS)  based on benchmarking of sub-sector service delivery pathways, past spending and future needs versus commitments:

  • Describe how in each state & central level WSS sectoral funds (budgetary allocations /other funding etc) are being turned into water & sanitation services (WSS), where it is getting stuck along the service delivery pathway, and, where it is flowing into unsustainable or ineffective service models;
  • Provide states in India with an overview of the range of service delivery approaches taken by selected states in the country along with their respective trends in sector outcomes;
  • Engage in and facilitate a country/state sector dialogue that reaches consensus on key problems and practical solutions based on both states and regional learning leading to possible policy improvements and /or funds flow strengthening for improved/more efficient and effective service delivery.

Duration of the contract: 

Duration of the contract will be 60 days, beginning on signing of contract until June 30, 2012.

Click here for more details 

Contact Details:

Water & Sanitation Program
Main Office
1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433
Phone +1 (202) 473-5977

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