Wildlife Wetlands Photography Contest & Young Environmentalists Programme

Wildlife Wetlands Photography Contest by WWF & Young Environmentalists Programme in association with Meluha-The Ferns ecotel, Hiranandani Gardens Powai, Mumbai-400076 on 2nd February 2011.

World Wetlands Day Photography Submissions

A brand new photography international competition is here, the WWF & YEPT in association with Meluha-The Ferns ecotel awards celebrates and recognizes the talents of photographers of all nationalities highlighting the great wealth and diversity of wetlands and wildlife on Planet Earth.

At a time when we’re increasingly conscious of the importance of wildlife, habitat and conservation, the Awards will encourage photographers, whether professional or enthusiast, to explore natural and urban wetland environments, and discover its bounty of wildlife species, from birds to plant species, mammals, insects to marine life. Imminent Wildlife experts and photographers as well as environmentalists will grace the occasion and interactive presentations.

Your chance to win the prestigious photography award, a one night two days free stay for a couple at Rodas ecotel Powai, and exposure for the winning entry to be featured in the WWF magazine India and a host of other prizes.

Photographs for awards in 4 categories:

  1. We are looking for images that capture the character or spirit of the subject in an imaginative way. We want to be able to get a sense of the Wetlands any part of the world-bio diversity birds, tree's, shrimps, turtles, fish, animal’s “personality” from the photograph. We are looking for an imaginative and original image that powerfully portrays the relationship between wildlife and their wetlands environment. This includes plants and their partners..
  2. Urban wetlands: Increasingly, wildlife in wetlands can be found in our towns and cities where whatever little wetlands exist. We are looking for an original image that shows animal adaptation to urban wetlands environments. Destruction of wetlands and any issues related wetlands
  3. Wetlands related to the Ramsar convention
  4. Coast and marine wetlands: We are looking for an imaginative photograph that reveals the behaviour of marine animals or creates a sense of place or occasion. Marine animals near the sea, underwater, at the sea shore and coastal zone, only will be considered which pertain to wetlands

Competition fees

Competition entry is free. Photographers simply have to email wetlandsphotography@gmail.com. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to enroll and confirm your entry by submitting your name, address, designation, contact. Your two wetlands photo digital entries can be emailed only in the size of 300 kb and below for ref. purposes only.

Entrants allowed to submit maximum only two images to this contest. Please do keep digital manipulation to the minimum. Your photograph should faithfully represent the scene as you saw it.

Eligibility-Open to all amateur and professional contestants above 18 years of age. Please do put your name and copyright on each entry at the bottom. By entering this contest you grant us the right to display your photographs at the banquet halls of the Rodas ecotel/5 star deluxe Meluha-The Ferns ecotel, Hiranandani Gardens Powai therefore your photographs must be framed at size 24 by 24 inches by a one inch black frame to maintain equal standards.

The competition is open from December 1st until January 15th 2011 for registration. Since it is an exhibition and award event, all hardcopy photo frames must be submitted for installation on the Feb 1st 2011 at 12 noon at the banquet halls of the Rodas ecotel/5 star deluxe Meluha-The Ferns hotel, Hiranandani Gardens Powai, Mumbai-400076. The exhibition and award function will begin at 10am-6pm on the 2nd of February. Judging will be done on the 2nd of February 2011.

Decisions’ of eminent judges will be final.


  • The contest theme is Wetlands habitat and Wildlife anywhere in the world
  • Photographs of domestic animals such as pets and livestock are not eligible
  • This competition is open to participants worldwide, aged 18 or over on the closing date
  • There is no entry fee. Photographers simply have to email wetlandsphotography@gmail.com to enroll and confirm your entry by submitting your name, address, designation, contact. Your two wildlife wetlands photo digital entries can be emailed only in the size of 300 kb and below for ref. purposes only
  • You must be the photographer and owner of the copyright for any image entered
  • Entrants can submit a maximum of two images to this contest
  • Please keep digital manipulation such as cloning and compositing to a minimum; your photograph should faithfully represent the scene as you saw it
  • You will retain copyright of your entries at all times and will always be credited alongside your picture, although you are requested to label your name/details on each frame
  • By entering this competition, you grant us a non-exclusive license to display your photograph in connection with this contest
  • Under no-circumstance will we use submitted images for commercial gain

Contact Goldin Quadros chief of Mumbai WWF at 9869183412 & Elsie Gabriel founder of Young Environmentalists Programme can be contacted at 9967347511 wetlandsphotography@gmail.com for queries.

Apply By
Post By: Rama Mani