Water Integrity Network invites applications for 3rd Water Integrity Network photo competition – Apply by June 2, 2012


The Water Integrity Network (WIN) was formed in respond to increasing concerns among water and anti-corruption stakeholders over corruption in the water sector. It combines global advocacy, regional networks and local action, to promote increased transparency and integrity, bringing together partners and members from the public and private sectors, civil society and academia, to drive change that will improve the lives of people who need it most. WIN’s vision is a world with equitable and sustained access to water and a clean environment, which is no longer threatened by corruption, greed, dishonesty and wilful malpractice.

Photography is a great way to raise awareness on crucial issues that affect everyone. It allows for a different manner to approach and understand the topic.

Water and food are key to human life and both encourage good health, economic growth and social development. However, both water and food faced scarcity and access to either is becoming more difficult and problematic. Corruption can arise throughout many instances of the food production chain, even more so for water for food production as this adds to the complexities and different types of stakeholders involved.

This photo competition seeks to explore the relationship between water and food, with a specific focus on integrity or corruption risks. We ask contestants to send us photographs that represent or conceptualise the damaging effect of corruption in water for food or that highlights transparency, integrity, participation and/or accountability to avoid corruption in water for food.

All submitted photos must be associated to the issue of water for food or water and food security linked to integrity, which must be explained through the caption or a short description.

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Last date to apply: June 2, 2012

Contact details:
WIN Secretariat
c/o Transparency International
Alt Moabit 96
10559 Berlin
Phone: +49-30-3438-20413
Email: photo@win-s.org  
Website: http://www.waterintegritynetwork.net/

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Post By: chetana