WALAMTARI, Hyderabad, invites applications for fellowship program on Integrated Water Management - Apply by November 15, 2011


The Water and Land Management Training & Research Institute (WALAMTARI) is recognized as one of the only four Class-I Institutes in AP and is widely known in India and outside for the activities under Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM). The Institute has faculty from two major streams connected with Irrigated Agriculture i.e. Irrigation Engineering and Agriculture. Faculty from both these streams is mainly practicing professionals and hence their inputs are straight from the field and hence more practical and hands-on. WALAMTARI has collaboration from professional engineering bodies like the Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), National Construction Academy (NAC), etc. WALAMTARI is in the process of developing a pool of Roving Trainers (RT) from out of practicing farmers and engineers for more effective and enlarged practical capacity building at local level.

This is a Fellowship program on Integrated Water Management. The WALAMTARI is a registered Society under the Irrigation and Command Area Development (I&CAD) Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh. WALAMTARI is mandated to provide Capacity Building support services and carry out applied research on field problems so as to offer possible solutions to the same. It is proposed to strengthen the research wing of WALAMTARI through research fellowships for Post Doctoral Fellows as well as Doctoral Research Fellows.

WALAMTARI intends to provide an opportunity to research scholars, to carry out research on live projects in the field, on priority research topics identified by the I&CAD Department, on behalf of WALAMTARI on their own or in collaboration with partner institutions.

Preference will be given to applicants who qualified NET/SRF/JRF/GATE, etc.

Applicants desirous of availing the Fellowships are required to apply in the prescribed format. The applications can be submitted by 15th November, 2011.

Application forms can be downloaded from WALAMTARI website (www.apwalamtari.org). Incomplete applications will not be considered for the award of fellowships. Filled in applications can be sent to dg.walamtari@gmail.com

The application and the enclosures to it should be in 12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Arial font. The text should be in single space with 2.54 cm margins on all the 4 sides of the A4 size paper. For figure legends, tables and references, 10-point Times New Roman or 9- point Arial should be used.

Download the below attachment for application form

Click here for more details

Contact details:
WALAMTARI, Rajendranagar
Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy District,
Andhra Pradesh, India 
Phone: 20020023/32
E-mail: dg.walamtari@gmail.com
Website: www.apwalamtari.org/

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Post By: chetana