Various consulting positions at Social Impact

Senior Evaluation Specialist:  Ex-post Evaluation of USAID/India’s  Financial Institutions Reform and Expansion (FIRE-D) Activity

Working together with a Social Impact M&E Specialist and Senior Technical Advisor, the Senior Evaluation Specialist will be expected to contribute substantial technical and local knowledge to design and implementation of evaluation activities pertaining to FIRE-D activities. The Senior Specialist will also be expected to contribute to logistical planning. The Senior Specialist will directly carry out qualitative interviews with state and local government officials, utility managers, implementers, and USAID. He/she will conduct preliminary qualitative data coding and analysis immediately after data collection and will contribute heavily to report writing.

The Specialist will be expected to conduct data collection for up to five weeks in February-March 2018 across India. This assignment requires approximately 25 days of labor between the end of December 2017 and May 2018.

*Please note: Preference is for a local Indian expert; however, international experts with considerable India experience may be considered.

WASH Evaluation Specialist: Ex-post Evaluation of USAID/India’s Financial Institutions Reform and Expansion (FIRE-D) Activity 

Working together with a Social Impact M&E Specialist, Senior Technical Advisor, and Senior Evaluation Specialist, the WASH Evaluation Specialist will be expected to contribute technical and local knowledge into evaluation design and logistical planning. He/she will directly carry out qualitative interviews with state and local government officials, utility managers, implementers, and USAID along with other team members. He/she will contribute to preliminary qualitative data coding and analysis immediately after data collection and will contribute to report writing.

The Specialist will be expected to conduct data collection for up to five weeks in February-March 2018 across India. This assignment requires approximately 25 days of labor between January and May 2018.

 *Please note: Only Indian nationals are eligible for this position.

Logistician: Ex-post Evaluation of USAID/India’s Financial Institutions Reform and Expansion (FIRE-D) Activity

Social Impact is seeking a short-term Logistician to support the FIRE-D Evaluation. Responsibilities include the following:

  • Arranging and confirming numerous meetings with Indian Government officials, utility managers, and other international development stakeholders. The Logistician must maintain a well-organized, updated schedule throughout the evaluation
  • Hiring drivers and cars
  • Arranging transportation and hotels
  • Conducting light background research to assist with evaluation planning—this will consist of locating/reviewing documents and briefly interviewing government and international development stakeholders as needed
  • Other administrative functions as requested

This assignment will take place in Delhi. The work will entail approximately 25 non-consecutive days between January-April 2018.


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Post By: Swati Bansal