UNDP invites applications for Sustainable Development Prize 2012 – Apply by October 31, 2011


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) advocates for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the concept of human development and the need to empower women. Its series of global, regional and country-focused Human Development Reports are a powerful advocacy tool with a focus on people-centered, inclusive, equitable and sustainable growth.

Want to draw your attention to this fantastic opportunity to nominate for a UNDP sustainable development prize. The Equator Prize has been awarded biennially since 2002 to local, rural, community-led initiatives working to conserve biodiversity and alleviate poverty across the developing world.

The prize ceremony will be held in Rio next June, at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). Twenty-five winning initiatives will receive $5,000 each; ten will receive an additional $15,000 for special recognition in the following categories:

  • Biodiversity Conservation, Sustainable Use, and/or Access and Benefit Sharing
  • Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change
  • Food Security, including Ecoagriculture
  • Influencing Policy
  • Knowledge Sharing and Replication
  • Mitigation of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Sustainable Forest Management, including REDD+
  • Sustainable Land Management in Drylands
  • Water Resource Management, including freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems

The Equator Prize 2012 will focus on local innovation and excellence in promoting community wellbeing and sustainable livelihoods, environmental conservation, and sustainable natural resource management. Eight new ‘special recognition’ categories – in areas such as community-based adaptation, food security, forest management, energy, water, and more – have been created with the overall theme of ‘resilient communities for sustainable development’.


Nomination forms must be submitted by 31 October 2011. Nominations may be completed online or sent via email, fax, or post to t

Contact details:
Equator Initiative
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Post Box No. 3059, 55 Lodhi Estate
New Delhi - 110 003
Tel: 91 11 46532333.
Fax: 91 11 24627612
email: prize@equatorinitiative.org
Website: http://www.equatorinitiative.org/

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Post By: chetana