UNDP & GoI invite proposals - Innovation Pilot Initiatives: NREGA

United Nations Development Programme

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Government of India is inviting proposal from Non-Government Organisation (NGOs)/professional institutions for intiating pilot project on Leveraging NREGA for Human Development through inter sectoral convergence or other innovative idea to strengthen implementation of NREGS and rural livelihood resource base of the rural poor.

The intervention will be financed in the context of a Gol-UNDP project 'Support to Operationalization of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA)'. The objective of GOl-UNDP collaboration is to ensure pro-poor communication and advocacy strategies, articulation of demand of work, refining of procedures and systems and on capacity building at the Central and State levels in areas such as social audit, local planning and Information Communication Technology (ICT) - based Management Information Systems (MIS) and Monitoring and Evaluation systems and convergence...

The activity for which proposals are here by invited contribute to leveraging NREGA for sustainable development.

The primary objective of the NREGA is augmenting wage employment. Its auxiliary objective is strengthening natural resource management through works that address causes of chronic poverty like drought and so encourage sustainable development. Convergence of works related to Natural Resource Management will enhance the livelihood opportunities for NREGS workers.

A majority of NREGS workers stand very low on human development indicators and earn their livelihood through unskilled, casual manual labour and exploitation of the natural resource base. This dependence makes them more vulnerable to crises, like climate shock, natural disaster, ill-health, all of which adversely impact their employment opportunities and reduce their ability to move out of the poverty trap.

Initiatives for durable assets, sustainable livelihood, skill development and human development initiatives are very critical for the NREGS workers, for whom bodily labour is the capital for earning a livelihood and who need functional literacy to negotiate their rights.

Areas of Intervention

  • NREGA worksites can be used for:
  • Sustainable livelihood and value addition to assets created under NREGA through convergence
  • Human Resource Development i.e literacy, health care, child and nutrition care
  • Skill building and moving towards sustainable employment

Micro Grants will be allocated to NGOs as per the decision of the selection committee and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)/Grant Agreement will subsequently be signed between UNDP and the responsible party. The MOU will serve to register the commitments and results that the recipient institution has agreed to produce. Funds will be released in 3 installments (1st upon singing, 2nd upon receiving the interim report, 3rd upon receiving final report and based on satisfactory deliverables). For research institutions, the contract will be issued under UNDP service contract norms.

Selection Criteria

  • Justification
  • Innovation
  • Scalability
  • Sustainability
  • Measurable Impact on target group
  • Feasibility
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Equity - Gender-sensitive and inclusive design
  • Experience

Project Duration: 12 months

Proposal Format:

  • Introduction of NGO, indicating past experience in the subject area
  • Justification/background
  • Proposed Districts, location and description of target group of intervention
  • Expected impact of monitoring on convergence resulting to creation of durable assets and strengthening the livelihood resource base of the rural poor.
  • Deliverables/results (highlight impact of convergence on increase in cultivable area, irrigation potential, ground water recharge, efficient use of irrigation system and productivity)
  • Time schedule with milestones/performance targets
  • Description of team (team leader, team members)
  • Financial proposal (including breakup of costs)
  • Copy of the NGO's Registration Certificate

The resposible party (NGO)/Professional Institution is responsible for achieving objectives of the grant and reporting (i.e interim report after end of each month, final report after closure). The property rights of the proposal rest with the NGO / professional institution. The property right for final project deliverables rest with UNDP-MORD.

The detailed ToR for this assignment is available in the UNDP website

How to Apply:

Proposals should be preferably sent by email to bids.india@undp.org

Contact Details:
Procurement Division,
United Nations Development Programme,
55, Lodi Estate,
New Delhi - 110003

Deadline for submission: 1700 hrs India Time on 17the August 2010

Note: Bidders must mention the REP Title/REP Reference Number in their mail.

Apply By
Post By: Rama Mani