UN-HABITAT invites entries for Urban arts and design youth competition – Apply by June 28, 2011

Urban Youth Arts and Design CompetionThe United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all.

As part of its policy to engage young people in promoting socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities, UN-HABITAT is inviting youth worldwide to submit original artworks, digital designs and imagery envisioning their future cities. The artistic artworks will be under the theme “My Vision of an Ideal City”.

The competition will capture young people’s visions of their ideal city and recognize their contributions in sustainable urban development.


The competition is open to youth from around the world under two categories:

  • Category 1 is open to individuals aged 15-24
  • Category 2 is open to individuals aged 25-34

Winners will be announced on International Youth day on August 12, 2011.

Four winners, two from the global north and two from the global south, will be awarded a cash prize of USD 500 each. Eight runners-up will be presented with a USD250 cash prize each. Their work will be shown on an on-line exhibition on the UN-HABITAT website, the Urban Gateway and the Global Youth Helpdesk for at least one month.

Last date to apply: June 28, 2011

If you would like to participate in this competition please click here for further details and registration form. Once you have completed the registration form, send soft copies of your art or design work to urbanarts@unhabitat.org

Contact details:
UN-HABITAT Information Office,
5th Floor, (East Wing),
Thalamuthu Natarajan Building,
(CMDA Building),
Egmore, Chennai-600 008
Tel: (044)-2841 1302
email: unchssp@md2.vsnl.net.in
Website: http://unhabitat.org

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