Tell us a story - Source contest extended into 2011

Content and Image Courtesy: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre

IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre

The Source story contest of 2010 has been so successful that the contest will continue in 2011. So far in 2010, 25 stories have been submitted and 12 ‘winners’ have been published.
This is an ideal way to tell the world vividly about real lives and changes in communities. Stories can be sent in at any time, but if you want your story to be selected for a specified edition you might consider Source Bulletin copy deadlines and submit by mid-January, mid-April, mid-July and mid-October 2011.

Click here for story guidelines

Contact Details:
P.O. Box 82327
2508 EH The Hague
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 70 3044000

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Post By: rajshekar