Study of the Investment Ecosystem in Cleantech!

You need to raise money, understand the investment ecosystem!

No matter how wonderful an idea solves a problem it needs capital!

Clean technology is and will always be capital intensive because, it is in the infant stage requiring R&D and serves a huge chunk of the population.

So what are the chances a start can get funding, in the Private Equity/Venture Capital(PE) Space. (PE is where companies or firms invest in a private company through equity or convertible debt).


1. how welcome is the cleantech sector in the investment space.

2. what are Investors looking for,

3. how much can one get funding.

We at Venture Intelligence are bringing out a Study on PE/VC Funding on Cleantech Startups. The report gives a clear view of the investment sector. The best part IT IS FREE!

Your Name, your designation, the Company you work for, and your E-mail ids (please don't send company generic ones), to recieve a free copy of the report.

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Post By: Varatharajan