Private company seeks to invest in Indian companies operating in the water segment - Details required

Hi everybody,

I represent a private equity fund that seeks to invest in Indian Infrastructure. Within this we are greatly interested in investing in Indian Companies operating in the water segment. These companies should primarily be in

  • Water Distribution/Irrigation Business (BOT / BOOT formats)
  • Manufacture of Water Treatment Plants/Filtration/Metering Equipments and other equipments in water distribution/irrigation segments
  • Ancillaries like pipeline/air velocity/temperature/pressure reading equipment/data loggers etc
  • SCADA and process control equipment manufacturers
  • Engineering and Consultancy organisations
  • EPC companies engaged in construction of water distribution/irrigation systems

We are looking for a ticket size of Rs 500 Mn - Rs 1000 Mn.

Companies engaged in the above businesses and looking to raise equity funding from institutional investors are welcome to send in contact details at

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Post By: pangolin