Open Space Fellowships 2011-2012: ‘Nurturing civil society leadership and action among young people’ - Pune

OS open SpaceOpen Space, the civil society and youth outreach programme of  the Centre for Communication and Development Studies (CCDS), Pune, engages with citizens – especially young citizens - on contemporary social, economic and cultural issues through film screenings, performances, literary readings, music concerts, art, storytelling, capacity-building workshops, discussion and study forums, public lectures, youth festivals and campaigns. Open Space aims to be a vibrant place for youth to volunteer, learn, share ideas, and express themselves. Equally, Open Space supports CSOs and citizens to take their work/ideas/processes to a wide audience of concerned citizens, and also to build action networks.

The Open Space Fellowships are an effort to extend the Open Space idea and process to other cities in India. Two rounds of fellowships – in Chennai, Kolkata, Ranchi, Lucknow, Ahmedabad and Bangalore - have already been completed in the last three years.

In 2011 we will be awarding 3 full-time fellowships for a period of 12 months each.

Applications are invited from young activists/leaders/social entrepreneurs in cities besides Pune. Applicants from growing metros such as Nagpur, Bhopal, Baroda, Jaipur, Indore, etc are especially encouraged to apply. 

Open Space fellowships will be awarded to individuals preferably below the age of 40.

The fellowship carries a monthly honorarium of Rs 20,000, inclusive of communication and conveyance costs incurred by the Fellows.

Applicants are invited to send completed applications to:

Click here for more details

Contact Details:
Open Space
B - 301, 2nd Floor, Kanchanjunga Bldg,
Kanchan Lane, Off Law College Road,
Near Krishna Dining Hall, Pune - 411 004
Tel: (020) 25457371

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