NIUA calls for Expression of Interest for the documentation of good practices (in the form of a compendium) of municipal or city level water supply and sanitation projects - Submit EOI by February 1, 2013

NIUA LogoAbout the National Institute of Urban Affairs

National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) is a premier institute for research, training and information dissemination in urban development and management.

The National Institute of Urban Affairs is the National Coordinator for the PEARL initiative. PEARL or ‘Peer Experience and Reflective Learning’ initiative was launched on 31st January 2007 at Hyderabad.  It is a programme that enables effective sharing of knowledge (related to planning; implementation;  governance and; sustainability of urban reforms and other infrastructure projects) among the cities  that are being supported by JNNURM (Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission).

A number of tasks have been planned to achieve the objectives of the programme, ‘Knowledge Support for PEARL’. One of the key tasks encompassed by this programme is Documentation of Good Practices in various thematic areas related to planning; governance and service delivery.

One of the themes that have been chosen for this documentation is ‘Water and Sanitation’, to include planning; practices; projects and innovations in improving the quality and efficiency of water supply and treatment of waste water in Indian cities.

Objectives for documentation of best practices

This task will contribute towards achieving the overarching objectives of PEARL and the Knowledge Support for PEARL programme, which are cross learning and sharing knowledge on urban reforms and city governance so that the purpose of JNNURM to make cities more livable, economically vibrant and environmentally sustainable can be achieved.

However, the specific objective of this task is to compile and disseminate a compendium of good practices in the area of Water and Sanitation to inform initiatives of JNNURM cities in this area. This 2 documentation would highlight factors of successful implementation, inclusivity, access, replicability, sustainability and contextual nuances.

Interested organisations or combination of organisations are invited to submit an Expression of Interest to document and prepare a compendium of good practices in the area of water and sanitation (waste water) (projects at city-level)

Expected outputs/results

  • A comprehensive inventory of good practices prepared for the theme ‘water and sanitation’.
  • A framework prepared for documentation of good practices in management of quality and efficiency of water and sanitation.
  • Detailed documentation of five good practices under the theme of ‘water and sanitation’, finally compiled into a compendium for dissemination.
  • A national level dissemination and sharing workshop.

Brief methodology

After signing of contract, the consulting firm would prepare an inventory of good practices related to ‘Water and Sanitation’. Subsequently, a framework for documentation of good practices shall be formulated by the firm jointly with NIUA. This inventory would comprise of a comprehensive list of all relevant projects in the country (making use of available information) and their brief description.

Thereafter, a panel of experts or ‘Peer Review Group’ would choose five of these projects for detailed documentation by the firm. The outputs would be a Compendium of these selected practices and a national level dissemination workshop. The selected firm is expected to support NIUA in ensuring the quality of all outputs.

Selection process

The final selection of the consulting firm will be by ‘Consultant Qualification Selection (CQS)’ method, based on the qualifications and experience of the organization in the relevant field of work and an assessment of the Financial and Technical proposals submitted.

Last date for submitting EOI - February 1, 2013

Any EOI received after the stipulated time shall not be considered. Any EOI submitted by email before the deadline shall be considered for evaluation though a hard copy of the EOI must be sent by post/courier/hand to the address given below (On the envelope please write clearly: ‘EOI for Documentation of Good Practices of Water and Sanitation under PEARL’).

Contact details

For any queries related to this or for submission through mail, contact Ms. Kanak Tiwari:

National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA)
First Floor, Core 4B, India Habitat Centre
Lodhi Road, New Delhi‐110003
Ph: +91 11‐24617543; 24643284, 24617517 (Ext. 236)
Fax: +91 11 24617513

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Post By: Seetha