The National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) is one of the pioneer institutes under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India which has been mandated to promote capacity building interventions in Disaster Risk Management (DRM).
There are two main categories of online courses being offered by the NIDM - Basic and Specialized. The Basic Course (Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework) is the introductory course on disaster risk management. Successful completion of this course allows participants to enroll in the subsequent 8 specialized courses, in that Climate-change and Disaster Management is one of it.
Course eligibility:
Courses are offered to those who have either completed the basic course or having specialized qualifications/experiences in the related domains.
The basic requirement for admission in the course is computer with access to the internet connectivity.
Course duration: 20th June - 15th July, 2011
Course fee: Rs. 1,000/-
Download the below attachment for application form and more details
Contact details:
Dr. R Ranjan,
Programme Manager (e-Learning),
National Institute of Disaster Management (Ministry of Home Affairs),
5B, IIPA Campus, I P Estate G Road,
New Delhi-110002
Tel: (011)-23702432