Media Awards on Sanitation - Proposals sought


Dr. N. Veerabhadra Rao
Executive Director
Development and Research Services Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 4, Park Avenue Colony, Ameerpet
Hyderabad – 500 016
Phone: 040-23744247 / 23744246
Mobile Phone: 9391321908

Email: /

The Government of Karnataka proposes to institute “Media Awards on Sanitation” for supporting “Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)” in the state.

A proposal is to be developed encompassing the following aspects:

  • What can be the title of the award?
  • Periodicity of the award
  • Collaboration and coordination with already existing awards
  • Date of the award (on which date it is to be awarded)
  • How many awards can be there? Like, one for print media, one for television, one for radio etc.
  • What can be the method of selection? (Eligibility criteria, Panel of jury, Method for appointment of the jury, remuneration for the panel, suggestions for screening and selection of media agencies for the award)
  • What can be the award (a cash prize and citation. What amount of cash etc.)
  • Mobilisation and sensitization of media groups

Any other important aspects which are essential for preparation of the proposal?

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Post By: arun