International Water Management Institute (IWMI) invites applications for Soil Hydrologist, Delhi - Apply by April 30, 2012

Content courtey: DevNetJobsIndia


International Water Management Institute (IWMI), is a nonprofit scientific research organization, one of the 15 International Institutes under the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), with its world headquarter at Colombo, Sri Lanka. IWMI is engaged in various aspects of water and land management.

The Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Research program of the CGIAR has identified three interventions to cope with extreme climatic events. The project is now seeking a Soil Science/Soil & Water Engineering/Civil Engineering graduate with expertise in unsaturated flow and transport processes in soils. The successful candidate will evaluate the efficacy of various interventions using HYDRU 2D/3D software.

  • MSc or M Tech degree in Soil Science, Hydrology, Soil & Water Engineering or Civil Engineering.
  • Proficiency in unsaturated flow and transport modelling. Experience in the use of HYDRUS 2D/3D software preferred.
  • Expert knowledge of soil-plant-atmosphere processes. Experience in field trial establishment, data analysis and interpretation.
  • Willingness to travel to field sites for instrumentation and data collection.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Demonstrated organizational skills and ability to work within a team.
  • General knowledge of computers and capabilities to utilize software for word processing, data management and data analysis.

Job description:

  • Assist development of conceptual models for interventions identified
  • Set-up HYDRUS 2D/3D software for the interventions identified
  • Instrument and collect data from field sites with the help of field based research assistants.
  • Calibrate the software, and evaluate extreme climate scenarios.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.
Applications (covering letter, and CV) addressing selection criteria and contact details of three referees, must be sent to the below mentioned address.
Monthly remuneration will be commensurable with successful candidate’s qualifications and experience,  but will not exceed INR 75,000/-.

Last date to apply: April 30, 2012

Click here for more details

Contact details:
Administrative Officer,
IWMI New Delhi,
NASC Complex,
DPS Marg, Pusa,
New Delhi 110 012

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Post By: chetana