International ReSource Award for Sustainable Watershed Management 2012 - Swiss Re - Deadline 30 April 2011

The International ReSource Award is worth USD 150 000 in total and is granted to one or several projects selected by an international jury. Launched in 2002, the ReSource award is an internationally recognised prize for leadership in implementing the principles of sustainability in watershed management. It is conferred annually. The prize money is awarded exclusively for project implementation activities and not for building-up or strengthening the organizations that are submitting an application.

Eligibility to participate:

NGOs, private, scientific or public institutions and similar bodies are invited to participate in the tender for the International ReSource award for Sustainable Watershed Management. Projects comprising more than one institution (eg public-private partnerships) are also eligible for the award. Bodies with strong links to the local communities of regions where water sources are located are particularly encouraged to participate. However, participants cannot submit more than one project each year. In order to qualify, participants are asked to provide a proven track record in sustainability and project planning or management in the specific field of water and source management.

Criteria of the ReSource Award 2012

  • Impact - What is the expected impact of the project in the ecological, economical and social dimension
  • Innovation - Why do you think your project is innovative in a general and local context
  • Local involvement - To what extent are the local community and regional institutions involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the project
  • Feasibility and governance - Please give details to the feasibility of the project's implementation and the governance structures which will be in place (eg action plan with planned activities, targets and milestones, organisational structure and institutional set-up, references and know-how of staff and partners)
  • Financial structure - Please give a detailed breakdown of the financial structure of the project, including sponsorship, in-kind contributions, and economic viability

Deadline for initial submission (application form only): 30th April, 2011

Invitation for pre-selected applicants to submit a full proposal: 7th June, 2011

Deadline for submission of full proposal: 19th July, 2011

Official announcement of ReSource Award winner 2012: March 2012

Click here for application form and more information

Click the below attachment for more details

Contact details:
Stefan Huber
Secretary of ReSource Award
Zurich, Switzerland

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Post By: Chethan.S