International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage invites applications for the position of its Secretary General


The International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) is the leading scientific, technical, professional and not-for-profit Non-Governmental International Organisation (NGO) in the fields of irrigation and drainage. It draws together the diverse disciplines and professions involved in the planning, design, operation, management and development of irrigation, drainage and flood management works throughout the world. The Commission, with active support from a network of over 100 member countries, provides an international forum and network in which the technical, agronomic, socio-economic, environmental and managerial complexities involved in the development, management and operation of irrigation, drainage and flood control works are discussed. Improved practices are identified and promoted through the National Committees in the member countries.

A detailed description about ICID is available at


The affairs of the Commission are conducted under the overall supervision of the International Executive Council (IEC) comprising representatives of all member countries. In between meetings of the IEC, the Council delegates the management of the Commission to a Management Board (MB) headed by the President of ICID. Under direction of the President, the Secretary General executes the decisions of the IEC and MB, and manages the operations of the Commission on a day-to-day basis.

The Secretary General is a full time Office Bearer of the Commission, and is the Commission's executive representative in the worldwide community of professional organisations. The Secretary General is directly responsible for the promotion of ICID, for the development and nurturing of relationships with international organisations, and for the preparation and execution of studies and other activities aimed at analysing and promoting good irrigation, drainage and flood management policies and practices worldwide. Employing excellent professional and leadership skills, the Secretary General is responsible for creating and implementing programmes that make the Commission a world leader in the development and dissemination of sustainable solutions to the challenges of water and land management for enhancement of worldwide supplies of food and fibre.

The Secretary General operates from ICID's Central Office at New Delhi, India and is responsible for the conduct of all administrative and financial business of ICID. In addition, the Secretary General develops and implements programmes to achieve ICID's general goals, broader worldwide recognition, oversees the professionally recognised publications programme, identifies funding sources and prepares proposals to obtain external funding for the execution of special projects. The Secretary General executes programmes aimed at strengthening existing National Committees and expanding the membership of ICID through development of such Committees in countries where they do not yet exist.

Office Management

As the CEO, the Secretary General has overall responsibility for the work carried out by the Central Office and ensures that it functions optimally to serve the needs of Office Bearers, National Committees and Workbodies of the ICID. In consultation with the Staff Committee, the Secretary General oversees the management of the ICID Contributory Provident Fund, and establishes rules and procedures for governing the staff and the functioning of the Central Office.

Financial Management

The Secretary General as the Treasurer of ICID reports annually to the Council on the accounts of the Commission, and is responsible for the financial management of the Commission, including receipts, expenditure and management of all funds. The Secretary General prepares annual budgets for consideration of the International Executive Council, and is responsible for proper execution of budgets as approved by the IEC.

Meeting Management

The Secretary General is responsible for the annual meetings of the Commission, the triennial world congresses and other meetings and conferences to be organised by ICID and hosted by National Committees. The Secretary General ensures that proper logistic arrangements are made and that meetings, agendas and contents are of a high standard and reflects the goals and policies of the Commission.


The Secretary General should:

  1. Be an innovative thinker and progressive leader with knowledge of the irrigation and drainage sectors, and familiar with ICID and other international professional organisations working in the water and agriculture sectors.
  2. Have excellent written and verbal communication skills in the English language. Similar knowledge and skills of the French language is desirable though not mandatory. (English and French are the official languages of ICID.)
  3. Have broad exposure to global issues relating to water, irrigation and drainage, MDGs, climate change and their implications on sustainable development. Experience with international companies and organisations, or association with both private and public sectors at a senior level will be an advantage.
  4. Be able to communicate effectively and in a timely manner with Office Bearers, National Committees, ICID work bodies and external stakeholders with diverse cultural and multi-national membership.   
  5. When representing ICID at international fora, be able to communicate with influence, both verbally and in writing, and to effectively articulate the views of ICID to a range of audiences.  
  6. Have proven skills with computers and use of Internet, be familiar with electronic social media and can guide senior management and staff in the use of a range of modern office, data and communication management tools.
  7. Have a proven track record in directing the work of a large professional organisation, and managing staff workloads, human resource policies, and budgets and finances, and be familiar with modern management and financial control tools.
  8. Be an internationally and/or nationally recognised competent professional in integrated water resources management, including environmental management, irrigation, drainage and flood engineering, and socio-economic analysis and assessment.


ICID offers an attractive remuneration package for the right candidate.

The initial appointment will be for a term of three years beginning January 01 2011, and will work in transition with the present Secretary General. Reappointment for a second consecutive term is possible based on satisfactory performance and approval of the IEC.


Interested candidates should submit a statement of interest in the position, clearly outlining their vision for advancing the organisation in light of the challenges facing the sector, and their suitability with respect to the Desired Attributes listed above. Candidates should submit documentation to support their claims, provide a current Curriculum Vitae and include the names and addresses of three referees familiar with their background and achievements.

The documents should be sealed in an envelope clearly marked "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF SECRETARY GENERAL, ICID" and sent to :

The Convenor of the Nomination Committee
ICID Central Office
48, Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110 021, INDIA

For further information on the position, please contact President of ICID, who can be reached by email:


Applications should be sent so as to reach the above-mentioned address on or before August 31, 2010. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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Post By: rajshekar