INTACH invites applications for Pupul Jayakar Fellowship for Heritage Conservation, Delhi Chapter


The Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) is India’s largest non-profit membership organization dedicated to conservation and preservation of India’s natural, cultural, living, tangible and intangible heritage.

The fellowship is aimed at recognizing and inspiring individuals and institutions that wish to work in the fields of Urban renewal, heritage conservation, heritage management, research, publication and other related projects in context to the heritage of a city/town. The fellowship is primarily for Delhi and NCR.

Applications are invited from research scholars/registered institutions. The full postal and telephonic contact details along with E-mail id should be submitted to facilitate contact. The names and contact addresses/telephones of two references should also be sent. The applications should bear the title 'Pupul Jayakar Fellowship' on the envelope if sent by post and in the subject line if e-mailed.

The duration of the fellowship will be for maximum one year.

Terms & Conditions:
The grant of Rs 1,20,000/- (Rupees one lakh twenty thousand only).

  • Three months after the commencement of the work, an interim report should be submitted to the coordinator. The report will be circulated to the Committee who may offer comments to the researcher to consider. The final report when submitted will also be reviewed by the Committee and any changes required can be incorporated.
  • On the successful completion of the study the candidate may be invited to present the findings in a seminar in Delhi.

All candidates/institutions should mail their CV and a short synopsis of their project proposal to the address given below. For any further clarification, you can email /call our Delhi Chapter Office.

Click her for more details

Contact details:

Pupul Jayakar Fellowship
Programme Officer
INTACH Delhi Chapter
71, Lodi Estate, New Delhi - 110003
Tel: 011-24632267, 24632269


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