India Meteorological Department is looking for proposals on research in the field of meteorology and atmospheric sciences

India Meteorological DepartmentIndia Meteorological Department (IMD) conducts and promotes R & D in different disciplines of meteorology. Main objective of IMD’s R & D activities is to improve its services to various users.

This Announcement of Opportunity (AO) is open to various academic and research institutions in the country which are engaged in research in the field of meteorology and atmospheric sciences for submitting research proposals towards utilisation of Satellite Meteorological data and products of INSAT, KALPANA and other Indian Satellites, Doppler Weather Radar, Wind Profiler, Radiometer, and AWS data along with other conventional meteorological data like surface and upper air observations over land and ship/buoy data over sea areas.

Key Research and Development (R&D) areas for this AO are: Monsoon, tropical cyclones, data assimilation, satellite meteorology, radar meteorology, severe weather (high impact weather events), agro meteorology, hydro meteorology, aviation meteorology, marine meteorology, environment meteorology, regional studies and climate change.


Proposal could be submitted by individuals or a group of scientists, academicians and research scholars belonging to recognized institutions and universities. In order to have better co-ordination, it is recommended to have one Co-Principal Investigator for India Meteorological Department. The proposal must be supported by an undertaking by the Head of the Department/Head of Office in which the investigator(s) is (are) working to the effect that necessary computing and allied facilities would be extended to the investigators to carry out the project(s).

The data sets provided by IMD must be used only for the purpose specified in the proposal. The project personnel do not have right to copy, lease or loan the data without prior permission of IMD. The data will be supplied free of cost and it should not be used for any commercial purposes. The Principal Investigators will make available the salient results and techniques developed to IMD for operational applications.

Registration fee: One time fee of Rs. 5,000/- and annual renewal fee of Rs 1,000/-

Download the below attachment for more details and cover page of the proposal

Contact details:
India Meteorological Department
Project Cell, DGM’s Secretariat,
Mausam Bhavan, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003
Tel: (011)-4382 4276

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