Imagine H2O invites for prize and incubator - Competitions for water innovation

imagine H2O

Imagine H2O is a not-for-profit company with a mission to inspire & empower people to solve water problems. Its vision is to turn water challenges into opportunities.

The Imagine H2O Prize & Incubator

It hosts prize competitions for water innovation including the 2009 Water Efficiency Prize and 2010 Water-Energy Nexus Prize. It offers not only cash prizes for the best ideas, but also an accelerator program to help competing entrepreneurs turn their plans into game-changing real-world solutions. The program helps innovators identify problems that have social impact and major commercial market opportunities, chooses the most promising plans, and brings together world leaders in water business, government, and social enterprise to help the contestants turn ideas into self-funding, high impact solutions.

The 2011 Prize opened to entries on September 1, 2011.  

Join Imagine H2O's  global ecosystem for water innovation to learn more about the competition and connect with water innovators from around the world.


The impact is direct - new solutions to key water problems, and systemic – developing the Silicon Valley for water, an ecosystem of stakeholders to the next great water innovations.

Why are they doing this?

The struggle for clean water is the challenge of the time. They’re entrepreneurs, so to them, that means it’s the greatest opportunity. Ever thought about where your water comes from? How much you use? Whether it will be there tomorrow when you turn on your tap? Over a billion people lack access to clean water. Even in the US, pollution, scarcity, and a crumbling system of pipes and plants threaten the water supply. Availability of clean water and sanitation will be the dominant issue of the coming decades, touching everything from human life, to health, to economics. They’re turning these problems into opportunities.


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