IDS/POSHAN invites applications for Knowledge Systems Consultant, Delhi - Apply by October 10, 2011

Content courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia


The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) is a leading global organisation for research, teaching and communication on international development. The IDS, Brighton, UK, is seeking a Knowledge Systems Consultant to play a key role in developing a knowledge mobilisation strategy as part of a nutrition project Partnerships and Opportunities to Strengthen and Harmonize Actions for Nutrition in India (POSHAN) we are contributing to.

Working with the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), India, and coordinated by IFPRI IDS’ involvement in POSHAN will be developing the strategy for achieving Objective 2 of POSHAN. The strategy document for Objective 2 is a key Year 1 deliverable to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and is expected to be a joint product developed by IFPRI, IDS and PHFI.

IDS’ objectives within POSHAN:
1) Identify and review current knowledge mobilization systems at national and relevant state and international levels
2) Identify key decision-makers and boundary partners, and their knowledge needs, barriers and opportunities to use of knowledge
3) Develop knowledge management strategy for POSHAN
4) Support overall project planning, management and monitoring

The purpose of this consultancy is to lead IDS’ work in-country to contribute to the development of the POSHAN knowledge management strategy. Initial contract length will is for 12 months.

The Knowledge Management Consultant will report to the Knowledge Services Programme Development Manager in Brighton, Louise McGrath ( UK. Periodic conference calls will be arranged to monitor progress of work.

A part-time workload assumes 104 days in a year (8.67 per month) for work, plus a four-week annual holiday and time off for national holidays. The fee for this consultancy will be IRP 38,000 per month from contract start date. All relevant expenditures will be paid on receipt and approval of a formal expense claim by IDS.

Please send expressions of interest, detailing how you meet the person specification and what you would bring to the project to by 12pm (Delhi time) on October 10, 2011.

Initial interviews will take place in Delhi on October 14, 2011.

Click here for more details

Contact details:

Institute of Development Studies,
at the University of Sussex,
Tel: +44 (0)1273 606261
Fax: +44 (0)1273 621202

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