ICID WatSave Awards 2011 - Invitation for nominations

Content and Image Courtesy: International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID)

WatSave Awards

It is great pleasure to announce that ICID is inviting nominations for the WatSave Awards 2011 from individuals/ team working in the area of irrigation, drainage and flood management. Awards for innovations from across the world are given to recognize outstanding contributions to water saving/conservation in agriculture and are given in four categories viz.

  1. Technology
  2. Innovative Water Management
  3. Young Professionals, and
  4. Farmer

The ICID WatSave Awards for the year 2011 will be presented at the 62nd meeting of the IEC scheduled to be held in October 2011 at Tehran, Iran.

Nominations are invited for the ‘WatSave Awards 2011’ from individuals/ team of individuals through ICID National Committees/ Committee. The entries are open to all professionals/ teams from ICID member countries as well as non-member countries. In case of an entry from a ‘non-member’ country, the nomination has to be  routed through and validated by an active National Committee of ICID, who should be in touch with the nominee and is aware of nominee’s work.

All the National Committees/ Committee are requested to send their nominations by inviting contributions on outstanding achievements from all those professionals who are engaged in water saving/ conservation activities.

The selection of the winners from amongst the nominations received will be made by an International Panel of Judges to be appointed by the President, ICID in consultation with the Chairman, Working Group on Water Saving for Agriculture (WG-WATS).

We request all the national committees/ committee to carry out primary evaluation of the nomination(s) in light of the questions posed in the evaluation process, before submitting only one of them in any particular category (if there had been more responses) to the Central Office, New Delhi.  Nominations not complying with the above requirements or more than one nomination from the same National Committee in a particular category are liable to be rejected.

The deadline for receipt of the entries from the National Committees along with a completed Nomination Form (Annex 1) to the Central Office ICID, New Delhi is 30 June 2011. The ‘Conditions and Criteria’ set for the awards are given in Annex 2. Annex 3 shows the checklist of enclosures to be forwarded by the National Committee while submitting the nominations.

Full details of the awards and excerpts of the past award winning contributions are available on ICID web site . Please feel free to disseminate this announcement through resources available with you.

Contact Details:
Er. M. Gopalakrishnan
Secretary General, ICID
48 Nyaya Marg
New Delhi 110 021
Tel: +91 11 2611 6837, +91 11 2611 5679
E-mail: icid@icid.org
Website: http://icid.org

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Post By: rajshekar