IAG Odisha calls for a study on Cholera/Diarrhoea outbreak in Odisha – Apply by July 15, 2011

Inter Agency Group (IAG) - Odisha

The Orissa Inter Agency Group (IAG) is a consortium of 21 humanitarian organizations actively involved in humanitarian responses in the state of Odisha. Besides coordinating and collaborating with the member organisations, the state government and other agencies with similar mandate it also provides quality assistance to people affected by disasters.

IAG is now actively involved in humanitarian responses in the state of Odisha proposes to undertake a study on “Causes of Diarrhoea/Cholera outbreak in Odisha with a Long term solution”. Independent consultants/agency with technical and social expertise would be engaged to study, learn, interact, participate and understand the root causes of Diarrhoea incidences occurring repeatedly in the Southern Odisha. The study would cover issues related to the health, behaviour socio-economic culture and recommendation for long term solutions to this menace. The focused districts are Rayagada, Koraput, Nabrangpur, Kalahandi, Gajapati, Nuapara and Puri.

IAG Odisha invites expression of interest of individual professionals/institutions/research agencies to undertake the study. Besides that all the IAG members would contribute to this study by actively participating in the study process, sharing human resource and community mobilization at their respective areas to facilitate the study.


  • Study the living conditions, behavioural pattern, socio-economic culture, food habits, household/community sanitation, hygiene practices, response and coping mechanism of the vulnerable communities
  • Critically analyze the interventions undertaken by Govt. machinery and civil society actors in the endemic areas
  • Study the impact of the interventions, preparedness and resilience building at individual, community, G.P, PRI and local administration level

Professional requirement:

The study will be carried out by a team of professional hired exclusively for the purpose. The professional team would comprise of either specialist in particular sector or combination of the following:

  • Professional with water and sanitation experience
  • Professional in public health background
  • Epidemiological expert
  • Social scientist

Duration: 3 months

Last date to apply: July 15, 2011

Download the below attachment for more details

Contact details:
IAG Odisha,
Red Cross Bhavan,
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Marg,
Tel: (0674)-2392389
email: iagorissa@gmail.com
Website: http://iagodisha.org

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