Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS) network

Safe drinking water, an urgent need (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Safe drinking water, an urgent need (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Vision of the network

All Indians must consume affordable safe drinking water.

Goal of the network

To increase safe water coverage in India, specifically in rural, remote and peri-urban areas, with a focus on the poorest of poor through implementation of household water treatment.

Objective of the network

To increase knowledge and build capacities of members on appropriate and affordable HWTS technologies, products, research, and HWTS project implementation.

Activities of the network

1. Participate in policy discussions.
2. Facilitate knowledge-sharing with a clear focus on the gaps.
3. Conduct capacity building workshops.
4. Provide technical support through emails, phone calls, and personal visits.
5. Engage the members by occasional letters/emails.
6. Connect with the global HWTS network and exchange knowledge and updates.
7. Develop thematic groups of experts to help the members in need.
8. Create opportunities for members to come and work together for building each other’s capacities.

Roles and Responsibilities

Mr. Lalit Sharma of Sehgal Foundation is the network coordinator. NIRD will provide the venue for the learning exchange while CAWST will provide technical and knowledge support to Sehgal Foundation in organising the learning exchange.


HWTS Network, India currently has 207 members registered nationally and internationally and 186 different organisations are a part of the network since 2020.

Organisations working or interested in HWTS for drinking water can join the network for free by clicking here.

Please read the attached documents below in hindi and english for further details

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