Gray water recycling

GRAY WATER (Bathroom water) recycling project


Water recycling is a good option for all building in Mumbai in order to preserve potable water resources. It is our social responsibility to conserve the precious potable water and show our love to our beloved Mumbai. In this process the bath water is collected in a basement tank- filtered with a strainer- disinfected /deodored and pumped to overhead tanks for the use of toilet flush.

Usually people take bath twice a day and keeping 3 buckets of water used each time one uses 60 litters of water a day for bathing. The washing machine is operated once in a day,

In a house having 5members, and consume approximately 60 litters of water. Usually one goes for nature call 6 times and each time when he uses flush 48 litters of water consumed in a day. Maximum water is consumed while bathing and we can recycle this water for flush purpose to save 40% of our daily consumption. Recycling only this wash water is easy and it solve our purpose. Generally the toilet flush/kitchen drain pipes are separated from that of other drain pipes and it makes our job of collecting bathroom water easy.

Nowadays builders install STP (sewage treatment plant) plant in up coming project in order to recycle this water for flush purpose. This system is not working satisfactorily as toilet water and kitchen water also collected for treatment purpose. People complain of bad odor whereas I suggest collecting only bathroom water which is easy to treat and it solve the purpose.

I live in Hiranandani Garden -Powai-Mumbai. The builder promoter is having a centralized waste water treatment plant wherein the whole complex waste water including toilet water is treated and used for gardening and building construction purpose. Now I am thinking of collecting the water used for bathing, wash basin and cloth washing and reuse it for the toilet flush. By this we can cut down, conserve our potable water consumption by 40%.

I ready volunteer my service to any society to demonstrate my idea and implement this system. 




Phone – 022 66910275

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