Ford Foundation calls for applications from documentary film makers seeking grant

Ford FoundationFord Foundation is on the frontlines of social change around the world, working with visionary leaders and organizations to change social structures and institutions—so that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full potential and have a voice in decisions that affect them.

JustFilms will deepen the Ford Foundation’s support for hallmark documentary films. Building on 75 years of support for the visual arts, JustFilms will follow three distinct avenues for finding and supporting film projects that explore important social justice issues around the world.

Beginning in 2011, they are investing $10 million a year over five years in documentary projects that address urgent social issues and help us understand our past, explore our present and build our future. The goal is to expand the community of emerging and established film makers who often lack funding, and help them to realize their visions and reach audiences.

Just Films focuses on film, video and digital works that show courageous people confronting difficult issues and actively pursuing a more just, secure and sustainable world. Initiative funds will be distributed through three distinct paths:

  • Partnerships with major organizations such as the Sundance Institute, the Independent Television Service and the Tribeca Film Institute
  • Collaboration with other Ford Foundation grant-making programs where the introduction of documentary film could help draw attention to an issue or advance a movement, and 
  • An ongoing open-application process that will help JustFilms stay attuned to fresh ideas and stories wherever they may emerge

Approximately one-third of JustFilms support is dedicated to finding projects through our open-application process. If you would like to seek a grant for your documentary, take time to review a few questions that set the basic criteria for the work JustFilms are likely to support and which help you determine whether your project will be considered for funding.

Click here for grant enquiry form and more details

Contact details:
Ford Foundation,
No. 55, Lodi Estate,
New Delhi-110 003
Tel: (011)-4710 5300

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