CORD invites applications for the Chinmaya Gramin Sevak Prashikshan, a course on integrated rural development at Sidhbari, Himachal Pradesh


About the course

Chinmaya Organisation of Rural Development (CORD) would like to upscale its comprehensive integrated rural development work in remote rural areas of the country based on its 27 years of enriched and established work and learning in 550 villages of Himachal Pradesh and another 160 villages in its newer sites at Odisha and Tamilnadu. CORD envisages selecting  certain Panchyats for holistic development in the remote areas of the country from different districts and states. It plans to work intensively in the Panchyat selected for five to six years before expanding further.

To ensure people driven grass root transformation, CORD is looking out for inspired people from remote and backward districts of the country with leadership quality, willing to live and work in one of the Panchyats of his/her area and serve with their hands and heart. It could even be the village and Panchyat where he/she lives if it happens to fit in to CORD’s criteria of the Panchyat to be selected in the backward district.

It will be free, full time, one year residential course in Hindi with commitment to serve and work for CORD as full time paid employee in the remote rural district to which the candidate belongs on successful completion of the course.


Venue of training will be CORD Training Centre, Sidhbari, Kangra district, Himachal Pradesh.

Eligibility and training

  • Candidates with sound body and mind between 20 to 40 of years of age with graduation\post graduation are preferred
  • Candidates with 10+2 who have the right acumen for community development will be considered as a special case
  • Selected candidates will undergo training under CORD‚Äôs Chinmaya Gramin Sevak Prashikshan.
  • CORD will begun the course with 20- 30 candidates with the right aptitude and attitude  by April- May 2013.

How to apply

Candidates are directed to apply with their resume and a brief note about their life’s goals and aspirations to or at the address below now as the process of short listing candidates for interview has begun.

The resume may also be mailed to:

National Director CORD,
CORD Training Centre, Sidhbari,
District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh - 176057
Phone: +91- 9816655592

Contact details


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Post By: Seetha