Centre for Science and Environment invites applications from journalists for its media fellowships to focus on off-grid renewable energy - Apply by March 15, 2013

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2 Months - April 1, 2013 to May 31, 2013


According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 2011 report on renewable energy sources and climate change mitigation, 85 per cent of current primary energy driving global economies comes from the combustion of fossil fuels. These fuels account for 56.6 per cent of all anthropogenic GHG emissions in the world.

About 75 million of India's 226 million households (400 million people) have no access to power, says the Union ministry of new and renewable energy (MNRE). In rural areas, the electrification rate hovers at 47.5 per cent -- either the grid does not reach these places, or even if it reaches, it fails to provide end-point connectivity. In such a scenario, decentralised off-the-grid renewable power projects could be a way out.

Centre for Science and Environment’s (CSE) Media Fellowship Programme invites journalists from India writing/reporting in any language to apply for its 16th Media Fellowships to address, analyse and report on the issue of off-grid renewable energy.

Areas of study

  • The current state of off-grid renewable energy projects, generation and markets in the country – case studies and examples from across India
  • Official policies and opportunities – what are the government incentives for mini-grids and solar farmers? Can mini-grids be set up across the country by entrepreneurs or can only big industry scale up and revolutionise energy technology?
  • Currently, when we think of off-grid, we tend to think small, literally. Off-grid is considered only a transitional solution for the poor. How can off-grid solutions be upscaled to make them the real option? How can more market demand be created?
  • Implementation of the National Solar Mission: Is it reaching poor households in remote and off-the-grid locations?


Selected Fellows will receive a stipend of Rs 50,000 each (subject to TDS deductions) to support research, travel and writing in the given period. The stipend will be released in two installments – the first as a travel grant at the start of the Fellowship Programme and the second after its successful completion

Application process

Applications must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • For print journalists, two samples of published work on development issues. By ‘published work’, we mean articles published by/in international, national or regional newspapers or magazines.
  • Those writing in regional languages must have at least one of their articles translated into English.
  • For television and radio journalists, two samples of telecast/broadcast programmes on development issues – those reporting or editing in regional languages must also give a short written summary of the programme along with the CDs of the samples.
  • A letter of support from the editor who will publish/broadcast selected output of the fellowship (mandatory for all candidates, including freelancers).
  • A comprehensive fellowship proposal outlining (a) the subject/s and story ideas that the applicant proposes to focus on, (b) tentative travel plans and (c) a list of people who might be interviewed.

Last date for submission of applications: March 15, 2013

What is expcted from the Fellows

Selected applicants from the print media will be expected to generate feature and news article/s totalling 5,000 words or three stories, based on the research carried out under the fellowship. Original clippings of these articles will have to be submitted at the completion of the fellowship programme. They will also be expected to take and submit photographs of the areas they travel in for their stories.

Selected applicants from the broadcast and online media will be expected to generate either a single film/broadcast or a series of episodes, based on the research carried out under the fellowship. Video and audio CDs of these outputs will have to be submitted at the completion of the fellowship programme.

Contact details

Sheeba Madan

Programme Officer, Media Resource Centre,
Centre for Science and Environment,
41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 110 062
Ph: 011-29955124, 29955125
Fax: 011-29955879, Mobile: 8860659190
Email: sheeba@cseindia.org

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Post By: Seetha