Call for Papers: Water Grabbing? - Water Alternatives - Last date to send abstract 30th June, 2011

Water Alternatives (WaA)Water Alternatives (WaA) is an interdisciplinary journal addressing the full range of issues that water raises in contemporary societies. Its ambition is to provide space for alternative and critical thinking on such issues. WaA welcomes contributions that address any dimension of water resources development, management and use, and their relations with society and the environment.

Water Alternatives is planning to bring out a special issue on Water Grabbing? Focus on the (Re)appropriation of Finite Water Resources by June, 2012. This special issue will focus explicitly on instances of “water grabbing”, where powerful actors are able to re-allocate to their own benefits water resources already used by local communities or feeding aquatic ecosystems on which their livelihoods are based, as well as processes of contestation and resistance. It will in particular focus on how material, discursive, administrative and political power is mobilized to enable such water re-allocation and on the impacts of the latter on local livelihoods, rights, gender, class and other social relations. The call is focused on two generic situations:

  • Landlords, agribusiness firms or other corporations investing in large-scale irrigated agriculture and consequently displacing small-users of water
  • Powerful (trans)national actors tapping, extracting and polluting surface or groundwater resources in rural and urban areas in a way that is detrimental to other existing farmers or to aquatic ecosystems that are the basis of local livelihoods and wellbeing

Last date to send abstract of 300 words: 30th June, 2011

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