Call for papers: Special issue of Himalayan Studies journal, Shimla, April 30, 2012



The Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies aims to create an integrated knowledge base and evolve strategies for the development of the Himalayan region and its people through research, academic courses of practical utility and service. The institute has since its inception been moving steadily towards the fulfilment of its mandate.

The Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla has recently established collaboration with the Altai State Agrarian University and Altai State Technical University for promoting collaborative research and academic activities on commonly identified thematic areas.

The Institute intends to bring out a special issue of Himalayan studies Journal, in international research journal (bilingual both in English & Russian). The Institute invites your contributions in the form of research papers on following themes:

  • Political aspects
  • Socio-cultural aspects
  • Developmental aspects
  • Mountain biodiversity and environment

Research paper should be accompanied by an abstract of 400 words. The papers will go through peer review process.

Last date to apply:  April 30, 2012

Download the below attachment for more details

Contact details:
Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies
Himachal Pradesh University
Summer Hill,
Shimla- 171005
Himachal Pradesh
Phone No :  91-177 2633017

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Post By: sucheethra