Call for nominations - Training-cum-Workshop on Water Resources Management for NGOs and Media Personnel’s at National Water Academy

Brief Content:

  • Overview of Water Resources Sector in India
  • Constitutional provisions for water in India
  • Role of CWC in irrigation development, Flood Management, Disaster Management, Water Quality Management etc.
  • Flagship programs of GoI in Water sector
  • National Hydrology Project (NHP)
  • Dam Safety Rehabilitation and Improvement Program (DRIP)
  • Ground Water Development and Management Scenario
  • Sharing of experience by NGOs in the area of work
  • Open House Discussion

Event Dates: 26-27 March, 2020

Participants’ Profile: NGOs and Media Personnel actively involved in Water Sector

Last date for receipt of nomination: 21st February, 2020

There is no registration fee for the program. Cost of all the expenditure viz. tea/coffee during the program, working lunch, training material etc. will be borne by NWA.  Outstation participants will be accommodated in the NWA GH (the charges are nominal at the rate of Rs.350/- per day ).  

It is requested that nominations of the personnel, who are actively working in water sector may be sent to reach NWA latest by 21st February 2020. Complete details (address, email, telephone, mobile, fax) of the nominated personnel and the sponsoring authority may also be provided while sending the nominations. The accepted nominations would be posted at NWA website on 28 February 2020.

For details, downloand the program brochure. Also, download the nomination call letter from here.

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Post By: Swati Bansal