Call for applications for DFID-ESRC Growth Programme - Apply by 26th May, 2011

ESRCThe Department for International Development (DFID) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) are partnering in a new programme on economic growth in developing countries. The DFID/ESRC Growth Programme (DEGP) will fund world class scientific research on issues relating to inclusive economic growth in Low Income Countries (LICs), with high potential for impact on policy and practice.  

There will be three themes under this. They are:

  • Agriculture and Growth:
    This theme will focus on developing understanding of the relationship between agricultural development and broader economic growth, and on the impact of policies on agricultural productivity.
  • Financial Sector Development and Growth:
    This theme will focus on macro issues in finance in LICs, including regulation and supervision of financial markets, the structure of the sector, and management of capital inflows.
  • Innovation, Diffusion and Economic Growth - Raising Productivity in Low Income Countries:
    This theme will investigate issues around innovation, the spread of know-how, and the process of adapting know-how to meet local conditions in LICs.

Applicants should indicate in the summary section of the form which theme they will be applying under: ‘Agriculture’, ‘Finance’ or ‘Innovation’.


DEGP is open to researchers based in recognized higher education institutions, research organizations or organizations with a credible research capacity (refer the attachments below about details of recognized organizations and the need to obtain recognition before grants will be given). Researchers may be based in either UK or non-UK organizations with demonstrable research capacity.

Deadline for applications: 26th May, 2011

Important: Any UK and non-UK applicant(s) and their institutions intending to apply to this call must ensure they are registered with the Joint Electronic Submission System (Je-S).

Click here for registration form and more details

Contact details:
Economic and Social Research Council
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
Tel: +44-(0)-1793 413078

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